
By participating in a Securities Lending Program with MFAM, a client’s securities portfolio can earn additional income with minimal and manageable risk and with very little effort on the client’s part. MFAM’s effective Securities Lending Program starts with a portfolio analysis to determine the additional income that can be generated. Then, on an ongoing basis, and strictly following the guidelines the client establishes, our staff members effect the various lending activities and reinvestment of the cash collateral. MFAM ensures that the securities are adequately margined, that the interest or dividends flow to the appropriate party and that all interest and rebate expenses are allocated properly. Transactions are normally done on an “open” basis with either party having the right to terminate the transaction at any time, thereby enhancing flexibility.

Types of Institutions that Can Benefit from Securities Lending:

  • Public Funds
  • Insurance Companies
  • Corporate Pension Plans
  • Foundations
  • Banks

Lendable Securities:

  • U.S. Government Securities and Agency Securities
  • U.S. Corporate Bonds
  • U.S. Equities
  • Non-dollar Government Securities
  • Non-dollar Corporate Bonds
  • Non-dollar Equities